Discovery API

Important: You must have a valid discovery username and password to obtain a valid authentication token.
You must have a valid authentication token to call the secure APIs.
Use this form to request access.


Method POST
Path <auth host>/auth/realms/endeavour/protocol/openid-connect/token
Header Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body client_id = <client>
username = <username>
password = <password>
grant_type = password

Get flag for patient

Method GET
Path <api host>/api/subscriber/flag
Headers Authorization: Bearer <Token>(for client eds-subscriber)
OdsCode: <ODS Code>
Query parameters code=<Flag code>
subject=<NHS number>

UPRN lookup

Method GET
Path <api host>/api/getinfo
Headers Authorization: Bearer <Token>(for client uprn)
Query parameters adrec=<Address string, ending with Post Code>
qpost=<List of Post Code areas> (optional)
orgpost=<Local organisation post code> (optional)
country=<England|Wales> (optional)
summary=<0|1> (optional)